Event Planning

Holding a successful event at Columbia Law School requires planning and preparation. Below, please find some helpful resources to help you schedule, set up, and budget your event.

Event Communications

Dear Law School Faculty and Staff,

Advancing our academic mission requires that we foster the conditions for free expression to flourish in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. This commitment extends beyond the classroom into the wide array of events and programs that are convened at the Law School each year. 

We write to provide important information related to the Law School’s policies and protocols pertaining to events, room reservations, and community standards. This information reflects significant work over the summer and early fall to update and streamline our policies and protocols, and complements similar efforts undertaken at the University level. 

Policies and Protocols

All Law School events must abide by applicable Columbia University policies, including those listed below. We encourage you to review these protocols since several of them have been updated recently. 

The Law School has developed its own set of event protocols, which are designed to supplement University policies. These protocols are now available on the Law School’s Room Reservations web page, along with updated details about reservable spaces, instructions for booking rooms via EMS, and arranging for auxiliary services. 

Important Highlights

  • Booking and Confirmation: A confirmed room reservation is required for all meetings and events held in Law School reservable spaces. Room reservation requests must be submitted via the Law School Event Management System (EMS). Law School faculty, staff, researchers, librarians, and designated representatives from recognized student organizations have access to reserve space via EMS. 

  • Advance Notice: Requests for event spaces in Law School buildings need to be made at least five business days in advance of the proposed event date. Events that meet certain criteria (e.g., need for additional security, potential for disruption, non-affiliate attendees) are considered special events under the University Event Policy and require ten business days advance notice and the completion of an event review. Please review the Law School Event Protocols for more information about whether your event is considered a “special event”.

  • Building Access: Law School-Specific Access Protocols

  • Law School buildings are open to all law students, students from other divisions of the University enrolled in Law School courses, and all Columbia University faculty and staff.

  • All eligible Columbia affiliates are required to tap their CUID cards in order to gain entry to Law School buildings. 

  • All Law School guests, including students from other divisions of the University not enrolled in Law School courses, must have their names added to the Law School guest list using this form in order to access Jerome Greene Hall and William and June Warren Hall. Guests whose names do not appear on the guest list will not be permitted to enter. 

  • Please note: Columbia affiliates must complete this registration form to provide prior authorization for guests and event attendees who need to gain access to the Morningside campus via the gates on Broadway, Amsterdam Avenue, or Wien Courtyard. This requirement applies when the campus access level is elevated to the orange level.

  • Publicizing Events: Events cannot be listed on the Law School events calendar or otherwise publicized, including on social media, prior to organizers receiving a confirmed room reservation. 

  • Fronting: In accordance with University policy, booking space on behalf of a group or individual other than the event organizer is not permitted. This practice, known as “fronting”, also prohibits faculty members and their coordinators, as well as administrative offices, from booking space on behalf of students and student organizations.

  • Additional Resources: See the Reserve a Room webpage for information about the process for booking spaces and planning events, as well as the relevant dates and deadlines. Event organizers should also review and abide by the Room Reservations Handbook for Faculty and Staff. Contact [email protected] for assistance.

Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in adhering to these guidelines. We look to many successful and stimulating events in the year ahead. Please do not hesitate to contact Room Reservations if you have any questions. 

Best regards,

Law School Room Reservations

Dear Law School Staff, 

The Law School’s Room Reservations Team shared a message on September 24 that included reminders on protocols for hosting events in Law School spaces. Law School staff who regularly plan campus events are invited to attend one of two upcoming information sessions to learn more about the updated EMS form, protocols and resources available to support event organizers.

To register, please click on one of the two links below:  

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us

We hope to see you there! 

Law School Room Reservations

Scheduling Your Event

In an effort to coordinate the event planning process and avoid conflicting programs, all events must be added to the Law School’s master planning calendar. If you do not have access to edit the online calendar, please send a request for access to [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE, adding your event to the planning calendar is not a confirmation of your room reservation. 


The Law School reserves the rights to limit events on certain days and/or times to avoid conflicting programs and to avoid major school-wide events. Events scheduled on these days will not be confirmed:

  • Law School Exam Periods. Events, conferences, and workshops may not be scheduled during exam periods. Exceptions will not be granted. Please review the Law School’s academic calendar for relevant dates.
  • Admissions Events. The Office of Admissions hosts two series of Spring  programming for prospective students, entitled “ Day at Columbia” and “Admitted Student Program.” These will vary year by year, so please consult this policy for updates. Events on these dates are restricted. Exceptions will not be granted.
  • Lawyers, Community, and Impact. Student Services, along with the Vice Dean for Intellectual Life and the Dean’s Office hold events throughout the semester to engage students and address current issues. On the dates below, lunch hour events are heavily restricted. Exceptions will not be granted.

         September 18, October 9, October 23, November 13 and November 20

  • ​​​​​​​Other Fall Dates. Rooms cannot be reserved on: Election Day, November 5 and Thanksgiving Break (November 28 and 29)

Please visit the Reserve a Room webpage for information on how to reserve a room for an event. 

Reservations are subject to availability and are not finalized until email confirmation from Room Reservations has been received by the event organizer. Room Reservations maintains a listing and description of all available law school rooms, including their capacity and AV capabilities, as well as a detailed handbook of relevant policies and procedures. All requests for space must be submitted to Room Reservations via EMS WebApp. Please contact Room Reservations with any questions, [email protected].

All events must be listed in the Law School's public calendar, as a first measure in publicizing an event. A daily announcement and a weekly digest of Law School events listed in the calendar is sent to the Law School community.

If you do not have access to edit the online calendar, please send a request for access to [email protected]. If you’re a member of a student group seeking to list your event on the online calendar, please submit your event via the student event form, and the Student Services will add it to the calendar.

For information on photographers, additional promotion of events to the CLS community, digital content, print (brochures, specialty publications, invitations, reports), social media, editorial coverage, web, and design projects, please refer to the Communications Office.

Setting Up Your Event

If you plan on serving food at your event, using one of the Law School’s preferred vendors for on campus catering is preferable.

Additionally, Columbia Law School supports the University's commitment to our local community and to the well-being and competitive strength of the minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs) and woman-owned business enterprises (WBEs) in our local area. Here we spotlight these locally-based MBEs and WBEs which have provided goods or services--not just catering but also photographers, videographers, and more--to the University.

To ensure that appropriate setup, cleanup, and custodial services are secured, please contact Room Reservations at  room[email protected]u if you plan to have food at your event. 

A range of auxiliary services are available when planning an event in one of the Law School’s buildings, some of which will incur fees. A quote can be provided based on the specifics of your event by contacting the appropriate party, Building Services or Audio Visual/Information Technology Services (details below), in advance of your event. Events hosted by Centers & Programs and Administrative Departments will require direct billing for all intramural services provided. You must obtain the appropriate account chartstring from the Business Office prior to arranging for any auxiliary services.

If you anticipate the need for auxiliary services, please complete the room reservation questionnaire via EMS. 

    Building Services include:

    • Special furniture configuration
    • Additional tables or chairs
    • Linen rentals
    • Food clean-up

    Audio Visual/Information Technology Services include:

    • Microphones
    • Use of a projector screen
    • Use of computers
    • Presentation set-up
    • Disability accommodations
    • Video/phone conferencing

    Public Safety and Law School Building Access considerations: 

    Law School buildings are open to all law students, students from other divisions of the University enrolled in Law School courses, and all Columbia University faculty and staff. All eligible Columbia affiliates are required to tap their CUID cards in order to gain entry to Law School buildings. 

    All guests, including students from other divisions of the University not enrolled in Law School courses, must have their names added to the Law School guest list using this form by a Law School affiliate in order to access Jerome Greene Hall and William and June Warren Hall. All pre-registered guest lists must be finalized and submitted a minimum of 24 hours to in advance of your event. Guests whose names do not appear on the guest list will not be permitted to enter. 

    Please note: Columbia affiliates must complete this registration form to provide prior authorization for guests and event attendees who need to gain access to the Morningside campus via the gates on Broadway, Amsterdam Avenue, or Wien Courtyard. This requirement applies when the campus status level is elevated to the orange level.

    If your event will feature a government official who travels with a security detail (including judges and former officials), a prominent or controversial speaker, or if you have reason to believe that your event requires security please contact Lou Santiago, at [email protected]. Students, please contact Jeffrey Bagares, [email protected].



    The Business Office provides guidance on arranging for travel, lodging, and ground transportation, as well as general information regarding the Law School’s travel policies and procedures.

    All payment for services associated with events hosted by the Law School must be processed through approved by the Business Office, including reimbursements for guests attending your event. Please see the Business Office website for further information.

    Sufficient funding must be secured and available prior to all events. Cost estimates for catering, auxiliary services, and travel should be obtained prior to finalizing any arrangements. Please speak with the appropriate contact if you have questions about the budget for your event or if you would like assistance in constructing a budget proposal.

    Events hosted by non-Law School entities, or without the support of a Law School center, program, organization, or faculty member, are subject to the policies and fees outlined in the room reservations policy. All third-party rentals must be approved by the Dean’s Office and the Chief Financial and Strategy Officer.