The CUIT network team provides wireless service to students, faculty, staff, and visitors at Columbia Law School.

Wi-Fi access is available to everyone, including visitors, throughout all law school buildings on your devices.
Please see the following link for instructions on connecting to the Columbia University wireless network. https://cuit.columbia.edu/cuit-wireless-network
Our commitment to offer high-speed Wi-Fi network and Internet access for capable devices for all Columbia Law School buildings remains our highest priority. By rebranding the wireless access points, and by increasing our wireless infrastructure capacity and capabilities, we believe that we are providing our faculty, students, and staff with the best Wi-FI services available to the market today. We hope you find this information useful, and we look forward to assisting you with your wireless networking needs.
Curious to know how your wireless connection is performing? Test your connection at SpeedTest.
Ensure your device is attempting to connect to the "Columbia University" or "Columbia U Secure" or "Eduroam" networks.
When you connect to a new Wi-Fi network it is added and stored in a list of profiles. Over a period of time, the list can become large and degrade wireless performance. If you are unable to connect to your wireless network after changing settings such as the password, deleting your wireless network may resolve this issue. It is also a good practice to remove any wireless networks you are no longer using so that you can find your frequently used wireless networks easier. Please visit How do I Forget a Wi-Fi Profile for instructions on deleting a wireless profile that is no longer needed.
If you are unable to connect to "Columbia University" or "Columbia U Secure" or "Eduroam", try resetting your connection by turning off your Wi-Fi, waiting 15 seconds, and turning back on your Wi-Fi. Please note that it may take a couple of seconds to re-connect.
If trouble persists, please contact us or visit the walk-in Helpdesk in JG 131.
To delete a wireless network profile in Windows 10:
- Click the Network icon on the lower right corner of your screen.
- Click Network settings.
- Click Manage Wi-Fi settings.
- Under Manage known networks, click the network you want to delete.
- Click Forget. The wireless network profile is deleted.
To delete a wireless network profile in Windows 7:
- Start Network and Sharing Center.
- In the Tasks pane, click Manage wireless networks.
- Right-click the connection you want to delete, and then click Remove network.
- In the Manage Wireless Networks - Warning dialog box, click OK.
To delete a wireless network profile in Mac OSX (Apple Laptop):
- Click the W-Fi symbol at the top of your screen, and select Open Network Preferences.
- In the lower-right corner, choose Advanced.
- Under Preferred Networks select Columbia Law Guest and/or Columbia University - Law.
- Click the minus (-) button to forget.
- Click OK.
To delete a wireless network profile in Mac Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod):
- Choose Settings
- Select Wi-Fi.
- Select the Information Icon next to Columbia Law Guest and/or Columbia University - Law.
- Click Forget This Network
- Click Forget.
To delete a wireless network profile in Android:
- From the home screen, choose Settings.
- In the settings menu, choose Wi-Fi.
- Locate the Columbia Law Guest and/or Columbia University - Law network. Tap or press and hold it.
- Choose Forget.