Vendors & Suppliers

Vendor Engagement Process

Vendors, suppliers, and individuals engaging with Columbia Law School must establish a vendor profile in Accounting & Reporting at Columbia (ARC), the University’s financial system, and are required to register through PaymentWorks, Columbia’s system for vendor onboarding and management. The vendor onboarding process is managed by the Vendor Management department, which is responsible for authenticating, updating, and verifying vendor registrations. The Business Office assists departments by initiating the vendor onboarding process and sending the vendor an invitation. For questions, contact [email protected]. For more information regarding Columbia's PaymentWorks and the Vendor Onboarding Process, please visit the Vendor Management website. 

Step 1: Creating Vendor Profile
Submit a new vendor request as outlined in the "Create Non-CU Profile" guidelines below. If the vendor is an international guest, ensure their payment eligibility based on their visa type. Refer to the Allowable Payments by Visa Type guide for further details.

Step 2: Addressing Prerequisites
Ensure all necessary prerequisites, if applicable, such as purchase orders and contracts, are completed before work begins or payment is requested. Requirements depend on the nature of the goods or services and may include: Purchase Orders, Contracts and Agreements

Step 3: Submitting Payment Requests
Once the above steps are completed, submit pending payment requests via the G: Drive for processing. For domestic guests, an expense report should be prepared and submitted in Concur Expense.

Payment Categories
  • Goods and Services – Payment to a supplier, service provider, or consultant against an invoice.
  • Expense Reimbursement – Reimbursement of expenses incurred by a guest of Columbia Law School.
  • Prize/Award – Payments made to students who have won a prize or received an award, often in recognition of academic, research, or competitive achievements.
  • Fellowship/Scholarship – Financial support provided to students or scholars to assist with academic endeavors, research, or professional development.
  • Refund – Payments issued to return funds to an individual or entity, previously paid to Columbia, due to overpayment or other adjustments.
  • LRAP – Financial assistance to eligible participants for repaying student loans, part of the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) through the Office of Financial Aid.

Vendor Profiles

Vendors engaging with Columbia Law School are required to complete the vendor onboarding process, which includes creating an account and adding their banking information in PaymentWorks. Columbia's Vendor Management department oversees all vendor registrations for the University. Vendors are encouraged to submit their registrations within 24 hours and promptly address any questions or corrections to avoid delays in the onboarding process. To request a new vendor/payee, send an email with the following information to [email protected], with the subject line: Create non-CU Profile: Payee's Name

  • Payee's Full Name:
  • Payee's Email Address:
  • Payment Category: [choose from list above]
  • Business Purpose:
  • Is the payee coming on-campus?  [yes/no]
  • Is the payee international? [yes/no]
  • If yes, enter their visa type/class: 

Payment Eligibility for Foreign Individuals

Payment eligibility for non-resident aliens is determined by immigration status, in accordance with tax and immigration regulations. Adhering to these regulations is essential. Please review the chart of Allowable Payments by Visa Type and verify the recipient's eligibility before extending an invitation or promising payment.

The vendor onboarding process begins when the Business Office sends an invitation to the payee to register as a CU Vendor in PaymentWorks. The payee then completes their registration and submits it for review. Columbia's Vendor Management department evaluates the registration, either approving it or returning it for necessary corrections. If revisions are required, the payee must promptly update and resubmit their registration. Once approved, the payee is notified that the onboarding process has been completed, and a CU Vendor Number is assigned.

To update the information of an existing vendor who has not yet registered, or to check whether a vendor has registered and completed the onboarding process in PaymentWorks, submit a vendor inquiry to [email protected] with the subject line: Vendor Inquiry: Payee's Name and include the following details:

  • Payee's Full Name:
  • Payee's Email Address:
  • Payment Category: [choose from list above]
  • Business Purpose:
  • Is the payee coming on-campus?  [yes/no]
  • Is the payee international? [yes/no]
  • If yes, enter their visa type/class: 

Vendors who have successfully completed the PaymentWorks onboarding process, have an active PaymentWorks account, and have been assigned a vendor number for Columbia University are responsible for keeping their PaymentWorks account up to date, including maintaining accurate remittance addresses. To help ensure successful address updates, here are some useful guidelines:

Step 1: Log into PaymentWorks

Visit the PaymentWorks portal to log into your account: PaymentWorks Login

If you're experiencing issues logging into your account, contact the Customer Support

Step 2: Navigate to Your Company Profile

Click on your profile icon located in the top-right corner and select “Company Profile” from the dropdown.

Step 3: Update Your Remittance Address

On the left-hand side, click on “Remittance Addresses.”Locate the current address listed and click the pencil/edit icon next to it. After that, enter your correct address and proceed to the next step to save the changes.

Step 4: Save Changes

After editing the address, click "Save" to finalize the update on your remittance address.

Step 5: Upload the New Tax Form

Go to the “Tax Forms” tab. Upload a newly completed and signed tax form reflecting the updated address. You can access the forms here: Tax Forms

Ensure the correct tax form is uploaded:

  • Form W-9 for U.S. payees
  • Form W-8 for international payees

The form must be hand-signed or digitally encrypted, and the signature must be dated. Save the form as a PDF with no editable fields and upload it.

Step 6: Submit a Ticket

Contact the Finance Service Center by submitting a ticket, including your assigned vendor number for Columbia University, to request that your PaymentWorks update be reviewed and approved promptly by Columbia's Vendor Management department: Submit a Ticket

This department oversees the authentication, updating, and verification of vendor registrations across all of Columbia University. If additional information or documentation is required, they will notify you to take the necessary action.

Step 1: Choose a vendor from the list of approved vendors licensed to use Columbia trademarks for promotional giveaway items: Approved Promotional Vendors

Step 2: Determine the purchase amount:

  • If the purchase is under $2,500, it can be paid for using the P-Card.
  • If the purchase is $2,500 or more, a Purchase Order will be required.

The following vendors have already been vetted and approved by Columbia University. We strongly encourage you to choosefrom one of these vendors when organizing meetings and events: Approved Master Agreement Vendors